Permissions needed: Edit Student Record & Edit IEPs 
Please note: You must have the required user permissions and the student must be Eligible in order to complete the affirm process. 

You can begin the affirm process one of two ways:

From the Student IEPs list:
1.Go To Students in the upper navigation bar and click Student IEPs 
2.Click the Affirm/Attest (Lock) icon next to the student’s name
3.Click Begin Affirm Process
4.Select Plan type and indicate if Parent Signature was obtained in Agreement 
5.Enter additional comments (optional)
6.Verify Other Meeting Dates 
7.Click Continue
8.Correct CALPADS Errors (if any)
9.Select forms used in the IEP Meeting
10.Click Submit 

From within the Future IEP:
1.Go To Students in the upper navigation bar and click Student IEPs
2.Click the Future IEP icon
3.Click Edit icon for any form
4.Click the Affirm button
5.Click Begin Affirm Process
6.Select Plan type and indicate if Parent Signature was obtained in Agreement 
7.Enter additional comments (optional)
8.Verify Other Meeting Dates 
9.Click Continue 
10.Correct CALPADS Errors (if any) 
11.Select forms used in the IEP Meeting 
12.Click Submit