When a student is exiting special education, regardless of the reason, their IEP must maintain all of their information from when the student was receiving services. This information will be reported to the CALPADS on the Exit transaction for the student.

The following are examples of information that must remain on the student record/IEP when exiting a student.

1. Disabilities: Primary and Secondary disabilities must remain as they were when the student was receiving services.

2. Plan Type: The students plan type should remain as it was during the time the student was receiving services. DO NOT update the plan type to code 700/800/900. The student is not ineligible, but instead they are NO LONGER receiving special ed services, and thus being exited.

3. Services: all services that the student was receiving at the time of the exit MUST remain on the student record/IEP in order to be reported to CALPADS accurately.

Please Note: When a service is Discontinued, it is automatically marked Do Not Report. However, if all services are Discontinued a validation will run and uncheck the services Do Not Report so that they will be included in the CALPADS transaction. Once the transaction is created, the discontinued services can be deleted, if not needed for IEP purposes.