Once the Initial has been held and it has been determined that the student does qualify for SpEd, but will not be receiving services, follow the steps below to have the student's Eligibility status changed.

1. Go to the Student Record and click on the CALPADS (student) link. 
2. Update field Plan Type Code, select 800 (No IEP, IFSP, or ISP - Other reasons)
3. Save the form.
4. From the Students section of the upper navigation bar, click on the Student Change Form link.
5. Select the student's name
6. Select the option to Change Eligibility of Pending Student.
7. Select Eligible - No IEP, IFSP, or ISP - Other reasons.
Once your District/SELPA receives your request, they will change the Eligibility status of the student. This will also remove the student from all provider Caseloads.

Please Note: All information entered on the IEP will be saved on History page of the Student Record, as an Ineligible Copy. This information can be reviewed at any time.