When a student is Exiting Special Education, regardless of the reason, their IEP must maintain all of their information from when the student was receiving services.
Do not delete any information from their IEP such as: Services, Disability and Plan Type. Please be sure that discontinued services are not marked as "Do Not Report" This information must be reported to CALPADS.
After the Exit IEP is held and Affirmed, submit a Student Change Form. Once your District/SELPA receives your request, they will Exit the student.
How to complete a Student Change Form
1. From the Students section of the upper navigation bar, click on the Student Change Form link.
2. Click in the drop down to select the student’s name.
3. From the Select Request drop down select Exit the student from Special Education.
4. Enter an Exit Date and select an Exit Reason.
5. Enter any comments for this student, if needed.
6. Click the Submit Request button.
You can view the status of the request on your Homepage by clicking on the Exit Requests link under Requests Submitted to District/SELPA section.
After the Exit IEP is held and Affirmed, submit a Student Change Form. Once your District/SELPA receives your request, they will Exit the student.
How to complete a Student Change Form
1. From the Students section of the upper navigation bar, click on the Student Change Form link.
2. Click in the drop down to select the student’s name.
3. From the Select Request drop down select Exit the student from Special Education.
4. Enter an Exit Date and select an Exit Reason.
5. Enter any comments for this student, if needed.
6. Click the Submit Request button.
You can view the status of the request on your Homepage by clicking on the Exit Requests link under Requests Submitted to District/SELPA section.