1. From the Students section of the upper navigation bar, click the Add Students link. 

2. Fill in the student information and check the boxes next to each field entered.

Do not be too specific if looking for a student with an uncommon name/spelling or a hyphenated last name. For instance, if the students name is "Meghan Watson-Allen", you can search using a few letters of the First and Last Names such as "Meg Wat" or you can also search different combinations or spellings such as "Megan Watson" or "Meg Allen". Using various name combinations will allow you to complete a more thorough search.

3. Click the Search for Student Records button.

4. Find the Student Record you need to request, then click the Request Transfer link. 

5. The next page will allow you to assign the student to a District, School and Case Manager.

6. Click Request Transfer button to complete the transfer request. 

The students District / SELPA will be notified on their Homepage of your request. 

You can track your request by clicking the Students Transferring Into SELPA link, under the Transfer Requests section on your Homepage.