The 30 day and 75 day alerts are linked to the Next Annual and Next Eval Date fields located on the Information/Eligibility page of the IEP.
If the meeting was held and affirmed but the student still appears on the notification, this means that the Next Annual/Next Eval date was not updated properly on the Information/Eligibility form.
To correct this, create an Amendment on the Current IEP. Through the Amendment, you can update the Next Annual/Next Triennial date on the Information/Eligibility page. Once it has been updated, affirm the Amendment. The student will clear from the Homepage notification.
If the meeting was held and affirmed but the student still appears on the notification, this means that the Next Annual/Next Eval date was not updated properly on the Information/Eligibility form.
To correct this, create an Amendment on the Current IEP. Through the Amendment, you can update the Next Annual/Next Triennial date on the Information/Eligibility page. Once it has been updated, affirm the Amendment. The student will clear from the Homepage notification.