There are two ways to update providers in bulk. 

Option 1 

1. Click on New Search from the Searches section of the upper navigation bar. 
2. In the Criteria section, select the criteria, Service Provider (Teacher name). Then select the Providers name that you want to bulk update from.
3. Click the Search button. 
4. Select Bulk Update Providers, from the drop down. Then click the Go button.
5. In the Change From drop down, select the provider you want to be removed. 
6. Add an End Date for the provider being removed. Please Note: If blank, End Date will default to today’s date. 
7. In the Change To drop down, select the provider you want to update to. 
8. Add a Start Date for the provider being added. Please Note: If blank, Start Date will default to today’s date. 
9. If Applicable, check the box to make the provider the Case Manager. 
10. Mark the check box stating I acknowledge that I will be updating XX students
10. Click the Update button. 

Option 2 

1. Click the Bulk Update Providers link under the Students section of the upper navigation bar.
2. In the Change From drop down, select the provider you want to be removed.
3. Add an end date for the provider being removed. Please Note: If blank, start date will default to today’s date. 
4. In the Change To drop down, select the provider you want to update to.
5. Add a start date for the provider being added Please Note: If blank, start date will default to today’s date. 
6. If Applicable, check the box to make the provider the Case Manager. 
7. Check the boxes next to the students you want to update. 
8. Click the Update Provider button.