Below are the steps from beginning to end on how to process a form update. What to do from the very first email asking us to change/add a form, all the way down to the final step. 


First the request must come from the SELPA level as forms are listed per SELPA. Next, make sure the selpa person requesting the change is not a district user that happens to have a SELPA account to be able to process a few SELPA only items. You typically can see if it’s the SELPA director, or if you not sure check with the QA team. ?


When a SELPA requests to have their SELPA forms updated you need to ask the SELPA the following questions:


  1. Where should the form be placed in their current IEP forms list? If it is replacing a form, confirm if we are placing the new form in the same place of the old form?
  2. When should the change in forms be processed, we process at 5pm on any day of the week (Mon-Fri). We need at least a 24 hour notice to schedule accordingly.


Once these questions have been answered you will follow the steps below to schedule the form update:


Schedule on the SEIS Support Calendar

First you schedule the form update by adding a new calendar item (New Appointment) to the SEIS Support calendar. Invite Cristy, Ana, Maia and Nicole.


  1. Add it for the day of the update, schedule it for 5pm
  2. Title the Appointment the name of the SELPA, ex El Dorado SELPA form update
  3. Add required attendees: Ana and Cristy
  4. Nothing goes in the location
  5. In the body of the appointment make sure to include the following information:


Fresh Desk Ticket #


Date of update:

Name of IEP Forms to be added/removed/updated


Location of forms:


Requested by/Contact Person once we process the request




Once we process the update, we reply to the user on the original fresh desk ticket.


Add to Google Drive

Then add the update to the goggle drive sheet used for tracking form update requests:


Open the Google Drive

Click: CEDR -> All SEIS -> Jason’s Folder -> SELPA Form Request -> SELPA Form Updated file