The error is triggered due to the 14-digit school CDS code in SEIS & CALPADS not being aligned with how TOMS is expecting to receive the school code.

Due to NPS school programs being offered at multiple sites and sometimes within different districts, the district portion of the CDS code the school is set up under in SEIS does not align with the NPS school 14-digit CDS code in CDE's directory. Due to the 14-digit school code not matching, this is triggering the error from TOMS

  • ETS/TOMS is discussing the best way to resolve this error, once they come up with the best way to move forward for their system and SEIS, they will let us know.
    • Once they let us know, we will forward that information to SEIS using districts with NPS schools.
  • For now, you will manually upload the students' test settings using the files you download out of SEIS, and upload them into TOMS for the NPS school students. 
    • For SBAC, use the TOMS Summative Assessment Report and download the TOMS Download File to upload into TOMS.
    • For ELPAC, use the ELPAC Test Settings Report, and download the ELPAC Download File to upload into TOMS