Below are the Exit Codes for CALPADS:
70: No longer eligible - Returned to regular education due to no longer being eligible for special education or successful completion of IEP/IFSP/ISP (should only be used if the student was reevaluated.)
71: High School Completer - Student left high school after completing their academic program. This includes students who graduated from high school with a certificate of completion or other than diploma, or received a high school completion/achievement certificate through GED or the requirements of EC 56390.
72: Graduated with Diploma - Graduated from high school with a standard diploma (no waiver or exemption)
73: Max Age - Student exited special education due to reaching maximum age for receipt of special education services. This includes students who reached maximum age and did not receive a diploma.
74: Drop Out - Student withdrew from/left school, includes attempts to contact unsuccessful, or not known to be continuing.
76: Moved, and known to be continuing (transferred), includes to another program 
77: Deceased - Deceased while enrolled in school or student completed the school year, was expected to return, and passed away during the summer break.
79: Withdrawal - WITH Written Revocation of Consent 
80: Withdrawal - WITHOUT Written Revocation of Consent 
84: Part C to B No parental consent - The parent did not provide consent to transition from Part C IFSP to Part B IEP 
85: Exited SPED Out of State 
86: IFSP Team determined no Part B IEP Evaluation needed
87: Transferred Out of State/Country - moved outside of California