Any user can run a CALPADS Error check by clicking on the Error Check button, on the CALPADS (student) or (Service) page of the Student Record. While the CALPADS error check is helpful in catching most errors, the Case Manager still needs to verify the accuracy of the data. For instance, if the user enters Hispanic for Ethnicity, SEIS has no way of knowing if that is correct or not, it can only check to see if the field is selected.

How to run the CALPADS Error check
1. Go to Students in the upper navigation bar and click Student IEPs link.
2. Click on the Student Record icon next to the Students name.
3. From the Pages section, select the CALPADS (student) or (service) option.
4. Click the Error Check button. This will display the number of CALPADS errors and Compliance issues for all CALPADS pages.
5. The errors will display in Red and will provide a description of the error under to the field.
6. After the errors are corrected, click the Save button. Then click on the other pages (CALPADS Student or Service) if needed, to correct the remaining errors. 

Please Note: You may notice that the same Error number/descriptor is noted on a few fields, as some errors are related. For example, “Error: E137 GRADE IS 04 FOR AGE 1.” The user may see this for two or more fields. This is because the error could be caused by either the Grade level or Birth Date. Review both fields and make the necessary correction. After the correction is made, both errors will be removed.