To correct an error on an accepted CALPADS transaction, follow the steps below:?
Delete the SPED and/or SSRV transaction(s) from CALPADS:
- Log into directly into CALPADS
- Enter the students SSID number in the Student field, located in the Quick Search section of the menu pane
- Expand the SWSs, Meeting, Plan or Serv files.
- Click the Open button on the SPED record that needs to be deleted
- Click the Delete button at the bottom of the record
After the transaction(s) has been deleted in CALPADS, the transaction(s) will need to be corrected in SEIS:
- Go to the CALPADS Transaction page
- In the Transaction Type drop down select Transactions Accepted by CALPADS
- Locate the student by filtering by the students SSID or SEIS ID number
- Edit the transaction(s) to make the correction
- Make updates
- Save the transaction
- This will move the transaction to the Reportable Transactions page/filter
Once the correction has been made in SEIS, the transaction(s) will need to be submitted to CALPADS.
Check the box next to the transaction(s) that need to be submitted to CALPADS, then click the Generate Report button.
Submit the SPED and SSRV (if applicable) file(s).