The purpose of this field is to provide a way for districts/LEAs to capture student counts during specific enrollment periods, now that data is created transactionally and submitted throughout the year. This will allow Districts/LEAs to get a Census Day count, or to find student transactions that needed to be submitted to CALPADS prior to Census day/Year End. The only way to complete this is to use the student’s active enrollment date that is in the SIS.
SIS’ exit students at the end of each year and re-enroll them the beginning of the next year. That current date is what would be entered into SEIS, which is the same date that will be submitted to CALPADS from the student’s Enrollment record (SENR). Since we do not have access to all of the SIS’, I am not sure if there is a field number, or if it is just titled – Date Student Enrolled in District.
If the student is currently enrolled in the district and is just being referred to SPED, then the students current enrollment date in the district would be entered into SEIS.
If the student is transferring into the district for SPED purposes and the SIS enrollment was completed prior to the transfer request, then that date would be found in the SIS and would be entered into SEIS.
This field is only a warning, due to circumstances where a student may have not been enrolled in the district yet, but is being tested for SPED. This field can be updated at any time, if a user is unsure what to enter at that moment. If easier, districts/LEAs can bulk update this field at the beginning of the school year. If you have SEIS Integration, it can also be included into nightly integration file.
The Date Student enrolled in District/LEA is not reported to CALPADS and does not trigger any errors.