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Knowledge base
Student Info
How to restore deleted items (TEACHER)
Is an SSID number required for all students? (ADMIN)
How do I get an SSID number? Can I affirm an IEP without one? (TEACHER)
Why is the School of Attendance NPS field blank on the Student Record? (TEACHER)
How do I save my information when a student is marked Ineligible? (TEACHER)
View all 8
Why am I receiving error SPED0406 - Special Education Initial Entry Start Date does not equal to existing Special Education Initial Entry Start Date in the ODS?
Why am I receiving the GERR0005 error - LEA does not have ownership of student enrollment to make update?
What is a Reportable Amendment?
What creates a CALPADS Transaction?
Why am I receiving error SSRV0446 - Duplicate Special Education Service Code, Service Provider Code, and Special Education Service Location Error?
View all 21
TOMS Export Report
The Difference between the 2 TOMS report
Blank Forms login
How do I add a student to my caseload? (TEMPLATE)
Removing Attachments
View all 14
IEP Forms
Why is the students age on the IEP different than the age on the student record? (TEACHER)
I found an error on the Current IEP. How can I fix this? (TEACHER)
How do I affirm a Future IEP? (TEACHER)
A Plan Review and Reevaluation was held, but only one of the Meeting Types was selected at the time of the affirm. How do I fix this? (ADMIN)
A Plan Review and Reevaluation was held, but only one of the Meeting Types was selected at the time of the affirm. How do I fix this? (TEACHER)
View all 14
Student Status (Eligibility/Plan Type)
I need a student added to my caseload. How do I do that? (TEACHER)
I need a student removed from my caseload. How do I do that? (TEACHER)
What do I do if a student will start attending a private school, but the district will continue to provide services? (TEACHER)
Student had an Initial Evaluation but parent has not consented to services yet. Do I Affirm the Meeting? (TEACHER)
An Initial has been held and the student Did Not Qualify for SpEd. What do I do next? (TEACHER)
View all 20
Search for Students
Can I save or share a search I have created? (ADMIN)
How do I search for Postsecondary follow-up students? (ADMIN)
How do I bulk remove a Provider / Case Manager? (ADMIN)
Why is my saved search not downloading to Excel? (ALL USERS)
How do I delete a Search I have saved? (ALL USERS)
View all 9
Transfer In/Out
Can I initiate a transfer of a student from my District to another SELPA? (ADMIN)
How do I request a Transfer of a Student from another District / SELPA? (ADMIN)
How Do I Change a students District of Service? (ADMIN)
Can I Bulk Transfer students to another District within the SELPA? (ADMIN)
School Profiles
A schools name has changed. What do I do? (ADMIN)
How do I add a School that does not have an assigned CDS code? (ADMIN)
I have more than one school site with the same CDS code. How do I enter them? (ADMIN)
How do I change a Schools CDS code? (ADMIN)
Home Page Alerts
Why is the student appearing on the Next Annual/30 day or Next Triennial/75 day Homepage Meeting alert when the meeting was already held and affirmed?
The students transition meeting has already been held. Why are they still appearing in the Part C to part B Transition Homepage notice?
I have a student on my Unsigned IEP Homepage notice. The IEP has been signed. How do I remove this student from the list?
What is the upcoming initial evaluations notification on my home page?
Why is a student listed on the Unaffirmed IEPs section on the SEIS Homepage?
How do I search for Infant and Preschoolers with Missing / In Progress DRDPs, for the Spring 2020 DRDP reporting period?
How do I search for Infants and Preschoolers with Missing and / or In Progress DRDPs, for the Fall 2020 DRDP reporting period?
How do I begin a new DRDP for a student?
Why don’t I see the Rating Record when I open the DRDP form?
Why does the DRDP icon only appear for some students?
How do I add my goals to the “Teacher Generated Goal Bank” and/or “Statewide Teacher Generated Goal Bank”? (TEACHER)
How do I complete / Affirm a Progress Report? (TEACHER)
How do I Add/Edit Focus Areas in my personal Goal Bank? (TEACHER)
What do I do if a Progress Report is incorrectly affirmed? (ALL USERS)
When should goals be deleted from a student's IEP? (TEACHER)
View all 6
How do I release a form that is in use / checked out? (ADMIN)
How do we handle Exit or Transition meetings, since it is not an allowed Meeting Type? (TEACHER)
SPED0438 Template
Service Providers
How can I give an out-of-district provider access to a student in my district? (ADMIN)
Can I bulk add a Case Manager to a group of students? (ADMIN)
How do I change a group of students from one Provider to another? (ADMIN)
How do I add a Provider from another District in my SELPA to a student? (ADMIN)
Can I bulk add a Provider to a group of students? (ADMIN)
Can I bulk print IFSP forms? (ALL USERS)
I am using a Mac and don’t see the printer icon in my Preview window? (ALL USERS)
Can I Bulk Print IEP forms? (ALL USERS)
Can the font or format of an IEP form be changed? (ALL USERS)
When I print the IEP form, not all of the text prints? Why? (ALL USERS)
View all 11
Service Tracking
How do I set up groups for Bulk Delivery? (TEACHER)
How do I Bulk Deliver Services? (TEACHER)
How do I access Service Tracker? (TEACHER)
Why is the calendar is grayed out when I attempt to deliver a service? (TEACHER)
When should Non-Participatory time be used as an Attendance code? (TEACHER)
View all 14
How do I create an E-signature package for an Amendment?
How do I re-send a electronic signature email if someone did not receive it the first time?
Where can I find the details of E-signature packages I have created?
I see a notice that I have an E-Signature in progress, but I can’t find it. What can I do?
Why can't I edit/update forms or the Student Record after the E-Signature package is sent?
View all 8
Team FYI
9/19/2020 SEIS Integration URL Change
Computer Related
I saved information on an IEP form, and it has disappeared. What happened?
Integration Templates & Setup
Process: Old Console to New Console
New Integration Console info
Integration Template HD Use
How to correct Duplicate District ID - SEIS Integration
Exclude Exited Student from File